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Committed to excellent standards of teaching in partnership with a variety of local and national organisations contributing towards system-wide improvement.

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Denbigh High School became a Specialist Sports College in April 2005 and since then has provided high-quality sports facilities to the local community. Facilities include a full-size sports hall (equipped with badminton courts, basketball nets and cricket nets), dance studio, floodlit artificial turf football pitches and floodlit netball/tennis courts (inc.mini tennis courts).

Throughout the calendar year, Denbigh High School sports facilities are available for hire and can also offer the perfect venue for events, meetings or training courses. 

If you are interested in hiring our facilities please contact:

Lauren Allcroft - Marketing & Community Host Manager

Email: communityhire@denbighhigh.co.uk

All groups must have public liability insurance and a qualified first aider who attends all sessions. 

Other documents are required – please contact us if you require more information on this. T

We would like to deeply thank Denbigh High School for supporting us in delivering activities and projects.

Ahbab Koyes -ASR